A study on the exine ultrastucture of pollen grain of some species in genus Glycine 大豆属部分种花粉外壁超微结构的研究
Gracilis should not be considered as a species in genus Glycine. Hence it is a semi-cultivated type of soybean belonging to species G. gracilis不应看做是Glycine属的一个种,它是半栽培型大豆,属于栽培大豆G。
Electrophoretic analysis of seed protein for genus Glycine 大豆属种子蛋白的电泳分析
We have recently made the surveys on the distribution of plants of genus Glycine grown in China. Four species of genus Glycine, namely Glycine tabacina, G. 近年来,我们进行了我国大豆属植物的考察,了解了大豆属植物的四个种,即烟豆Glycinetabacina,多毛豆G。
Phylogenetic Analysis of Interspecies in Genus Glycine Through SSR Markers 用SSR分子标记研究大豆属种间亲缘进化关系